Clandestine planning and coordination across departments, brands and seas was called for recently when first time cruiser Michael Watson sought Ocean Village’s help as he prepared to ask the biggest question of his life.

Michael, who lives in York, had considered many different ways to propose to his girlfriend Sharon Fox but it was catching the end of the film “An Officer and a Gentleman” one night that sparked his imagination.
Michael contacted Ocean Village to ask if the team could help him dress up as an officer and propose during the couple’s cruise over a meal in the Bistro? The answer could only be yes, and we set about coordinating the enterprise. A suitable uniform was tracked down and sent across to the Ocean Village ship, a table was booked in the Bistro, music was organised and photographers arranged. The plan was in place!
Once the couple arrived on board, preparations were finalised while keeping everything under wraps from Sharon.
As Saturday 12 December dawned, the couple went swimming with dolphins ashore and the plan swung into action on board. By evening, the music was set, photographers were placed on a table close by “celebrating a birthday” and the officer’s uniform was hidden away in the back.

Michael and Sharon took their places in the Bistro and began their meal. Between courses, Michael excused himself for a few moments. In the Gent’s bathroom, a couple of helpers aided Michael’s transformation into a vision of an Officer and a Gentleman that would do Richard
Gere proud. As Michael emerged, “Love Lifts Us Up where We Belong” came over the music system, and the whole restaurant seemed to hold its breath as he approached their table and gently touched Sharon on the shoulder. Sharon’s surprise and delight as she turned to see Michael resplendent in his uniform lit up the room. Michael got down on one knee and with the ring on a silver salver, asked if she would marry him. Without hesitation, Sharon said yes, to fulsome applause from all the Bistro diners and restaurant staff. The photographers whipped out their cameras to capture the moment.

Everyone at Ocean Village wishes the Michael and Sharon all the very best for their future together.

Alyn Baker,
Hotel Director, Ocean Village