
Friday, 16 April 2010

Making a show of it!


The Ocean Village crew pulled out all the stops on the crossing from Barbados to Heraklion.
There was a broad spectrum of entertainment on offer with great involvement from our crew, ranging from Asian Masterclass cooking classes in the Marquee to a seafood lunch sampler buffet in the Village Square, an intriguing demonstration of fruit and vegetable carving (can you see what it is yet?!) and a homage to the noble art of towel folding in the Village Square.

There was also ice carving, a navigational talk from the bridge officers, a Chocoholics’ Buffet with chocolate fountain in the Village Square, and the crowning glory, our very own Ocean Village crew talent show!

Make sure you check back soon for the blog on the Ocean Village Fete and the Ocean Village Crew Talent Show!

Michael Lobban,
Hotel Director - Ocean Village

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Ocean VIllage - Farewell Barbados


Over the next week I will be blogging about some of the events and activities as we sailed from Barbados to Heraklion for the final time, so make sure you come back to take a look at what happened on board.24th March 2010 in Barbados was a poignant day for Ocean Village and our Caribbean agents, Foster & Ince and The Platinum Agency. With Barbados as the home port of Ocean Village during the winter months, many friendships have been made over the last seven years but now the ship was leaving the Caribbean for the last time and heading across the Atlantic for its final summer season. To mark the occasion, a group from the agency was invited to a special meal in James Martin’s Bistro – thank you everyone for all the help you’ve given us over the years!

Michael Lobban,
Hotel Director - Ocean Village

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