
Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Ocean Village give Christmas cheer to St Kitts' Oprhanage

Once again Ocean Village pulled out all the stops to ensure that the children of the St Kitts' Orphanage had a great start to the Christmas period.

The Ocean Village Youth Team, headed up by manager Jade Dimech, took the reins and headed up an action-packed day for the children and carers who visited Ocean Village during our call to St Kitts on the 20th of December.
Prior to the visit collections had been made amongst the crew, where the bar department collected $400 and purchased Bijoux Terner watches for each child, and the restaurant department collected $500. The photographers donated 10 large picture frames to the Youth department and after a very talented painting competition from the passenger’s children, ten paintings and frames were auctioned off in the Village Square before our ‘Big Night Out’ celebrations, raising a total of $617! Over 150 Christmas gifts were purchased (using some of the donated money as well as crew member’s own purchases) then wrapped by the Youth Team and given out to the children during the Santa Claus’ visit. The balance of the funds was then handed over to the carer for the charity for orphanage repairs and upkeep.

The children’s day began as they were met in the port at 10.30, where they were taken on board and escorted up to the Splash Bar to be given sport soda bottles, which were duly filled by the bar staff. After a session of face painting, PlayStation and fun and games in Base Camp and sport nets it was time for lunch in Plantations, after which Paddington Bear came to visit and walk them to Sunweavers for ice cream and another soda bottle refill.

Next the children were entertained with a fantastic hour-long variety performance in the Marquee by the Freedom 2 Move cast and Jayne Middleton as Annie Lennox, which was hosted by our zany magician Gary Keates as Manuel Martinez. After the show it was down to the MovieDrome to watch the “G Force Space Guinea pigs” movie before Santa Claus arrived for his annual visit to hand out the presents! In addition, each child received a rucksack containing a watch (from the bar staff), sunglasses and other small items before lining up for a group photograph. We then presented the group leader with an envelope containing over $900 and also gave 4 boxes of donated, good quality, clothing, two pallets of crockery and other items no longer in circulation on board.
The day finished when sad and somewhat tearful farewells were said around 16.45.

The Ocean Village Officers and Crew sincerely hope that, as we shall not be around in the Caribbean for Christmas 2010, another P&O vessel would consider taking over this very rewarding event.

Michael Lobban,
Hotel Director

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